Why are thermal imaging cameras favoured in the power industry?

Electrical equipment may have a variety of defects, but most of them generate heat. In terms of infrared diagnosis, they are usually classified as external defects and internal defects. Due to the current effect in the function of the electrical system, current-carrying conductors cause resistance losses and there are a large number of connections, joints or contacts throughout the circuit that transmits electrical energy. If the contact resistance of the various connections, joints or contacts in the transmission circuit is lower than the resistance of the connected conductor part, the heat loss in the connected part is not greater than the heat loss in the adjacent current-carrying conductor. However, if certain connections, joints or contacts are poorly connected, resulting in an increase in contact resistance, the part will have greater resistance losses and a higher risk of temperature. External defects are the most common cause. External defects are characterised by a localised temperature rise, which is easily noticed by the thermal imaging camera, and if not addressed as soon as possible, the situation can quickly deteriorate, leading to accidents and damage. Daily inspections are therefore vital and infrared thermography can be very useful.

The following infrared thermal imaging systems are used in electrical operations:
1. Transformers, capacitors, reactors, circuit breakers, insulator strings, generators, disconnect switches, transmission lines and crimped tubes are mandatory inspections.
2, substation infrared inspection robot: instead of substation inspection manual personnel to complete the urgent, difficult, dangerous and repetitive work; using high-resolution infrared detector, excellent temperature measurement performance; real-time temperature map and data transmission to the back-end monitoring; automatic judgment and alarm for equipment thermal defects and other situations.
3、Transmission line infrared inspection drone: detects hidden faults by detecting abnormal temperature fluctuations in comparison with numerical values.

Infrared thermography is particularly beneficial compared to standard outage preventive testing. It not only reduces equipment downtime, but also detects hidden threats associated with operating voltages and load currents. More importantly, the entire temperature distribution can be seen and problem areas can be identified in real time.

Post time: Apr-13-2023